
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Motion Graphing Lab

Paulina Crisostomo
Period 3

Motion Graphing Labs

Lab 1: straight line motion-
Aim- to measure and calculate the further of an object
samara Question- Will the objects go at a constant speed, increase, or decrease in speed?
Hypothesis- I work out the automobiles leave have a constant speed at separately of the distances they travel
Materials- electric auto, timer and molar concentration stick
1. Time the electric car dismissal at a distance of 1 meter twice
2. Time the electric car going at a distance of 2 meters twice
3. time the electric car going at a distance of 3 meters twice
4. calculate the speed of each time you took
I think the car forget travel at a constant speed for wholly the distances
I think the car will travel at an angle instead of a straight line
I think that the car will have the same speed for all(prenominal) three distances
The car seemed to be going at a constant distance for the first meter
the car did not go in a straight line, it curved just the likes of I predicted it would
the car had the same time for distances 2 and 3
the car had about the same speed for the first meter compared to 2 and 3
some other cars I watched did not go at a constant speed, but ours did

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How does middling speed reach to the distance covered and the time taken for
* The ordinary speed is way different than the distance, but a secondary similar to time.
For example: the time was 2.53 and the speed was 2.42
2. Should the recorded average speed represent the maximum speed for each outlet?
* It depends, if the object was traveling at a constant speed, thence yes. But if it was
decreasing or increasing, you would take the highest speed taken.
3. Does your beat technique for speed enable you to measure the fastest
speed succeed during an event?...If you want to get a full essay, stage it on our website: Orderessay

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Mobile Computing

brisk and radio set Computing

call on the carpet 8 : The Zone Routing Protocol

Lecture 8.1 : The idea of a mixed antiphonal / proactive routing communications protocol Lecture 8.2 : The details of the Zone Routing Protocol.

take for data processor Science, University of Freiburg occidental Australian interactional Virtual Environments magnetic core (IVEC)

Mobile and Wireless Computing

Brief Review of Reactive and Proactive protocols

A reactive routing protocol tries to find a street from S to D only on-demand i.e., when the route is required, for example, DSR and AODV are such protocols. The main payoff of a reactive protocol is the low overhead of avow messages. However, reactive protocols have higher latency in discovering routes.
Institute for Computer Science, University of Freiburg Western Australian Interactive Virtual Environments Centre (IVEC)

Mobile and Wireless Computing

Proactive Protocols

A proactive protocol maintains extensive routing tables for the entire network. As a result, a route is found as soon as it is requested. The main expediency of a proactive protocol is its low latency in discovering new routes. However, proactive protocols generate a high mickle of run across messages required for updating local routing tables.

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Institute for Computer Science, University of Freiburg Western Australian Interactive Virtual Environments Centre (IVEC)

Mobile and Wireless Computing

A Combined Protocol

It is possible to exploit the unspoiled features of both reactive and proactive protcols and the Zone routing protocol does that. The proactive part of the protocol is restricted to a small neighbourhood of a lymph gland and the reactive part is used for routing crosswise the network. This reduces latency in route discovery and reduces the number of control messages as well.
Institute for Computer Science, University of Freiburg Western Australian Interactive Virtual Environments Centre (IVEC)

Mobile and Wireless Computing

Routing Zones

Each node S in the network...If you want to get a overflowing essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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mid term 3


Non verbal communicating has 3 parts : opthalmic talk system , Auditory communication system, and the invisible communication system. Theses triplet room of communicating silently pass a meaning between unmatchable self and another they atomic number 18 difficult to communicate with. These message will be inperiped as relational messaging weather it is sass, sarcasticness, a joke, or maybe so far hatred toward just about one with a evil scowl.
The visual communication system has 3 sub-sections: proxemics, kinesics, and invisible communication . Proxemics is how you do your self when around another person from your speaking distances the way you change your walk or swagger toward that person . Kinesics nurture to do with the way you move your body or sit around the gestures you make with your face, hands and even breathing . The last radiation diagram is the invisible form, chronemics is the way you spend time with some one because you usher you spend your pressuse time with one person show a cumulation about your thoughts of them. The other 2 forms are olfactics the smells we recognize and the sent a lovely ladies may contact off. The last is haptics the way touch is interpreted as comfortably or bad warm or loving .

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The model is broken in to eight parts : interpretive competence, this process lets you size up situations allows one to organize and helps respectable under stand what is going on around your self. The abutting is role competence this process tells your mind to adapt to some thing just like if I went to the principles office I would be a lot less likely to cus or say certain thing that I would other sharp say to my friends. The next is self competence the way you introduce your self towards others the way you carry your self tells a lot about your charter. The next process is goal competence this is the baron to see the future and plane out the way to permit there maybe goals or lines of action one takes to tucker to a certain point.
The last three points all are similar because...If you want to get a full essay, enact it on our website: Orderessay

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Meniscus Injuries

Patient diagnosis Project : Meniscus injuries
1. Patient Diagnosis :
A. Definition / Description:
Meniscus blast means Injuries to the crescent(prenominal) cartilage pads between the two joints formed by the femoris (the thigh bone) and the tibia (the shin bone). (6) The meniscus acts as a smooth surface for the joint to move on and in the main works as a weight bearing weights.
Menisci merchantman tear in many different ways. Tears be known by how they look, also where the tear occurs in the meniscus.

commons part include:
a) Longitudinal Tear this tear happens on the length of the meniscus. (1)
b) Bucket Handle Tear is the tear where social function of the cartilage separates from the tibia leaving a flap of cartilage. (1)(2)
c) quiver tear is one of most common maniacal tears and is believed to happen from Bucket Handle Tears or radial-ply tire tear. (1)(2)(5)
d) A radial tear, also known as Teraservers tear is a sharp split in the inner rims toward the satellite rims. This type of injury is usually treated through stitching but the inner injuries are less likely to ameliorate because of poor blood supply but because this is the most important part of the meniscus, stitching is still the best option.

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e) Torn horn tear ( parrots horn tear ) - A neglected radial tear, usually an oblique one, may render to heal itself and round off into a rounded beak like a parrots beak, this tear can catch in the joint. (1)(2)
B) Signs/ Symptoms:
When you tear a meniscus you might feel a pop. Most people can still locomote on their injured knee joint. Many athletes keep playing with a tear for 2 to 3 days, until they start feeling much stiff and swollen at knee area. (1)(2)
The most common symptoms of meniscal tear are:
? Sharp pain in the knee caused by even a minor movement
? swelling of the knee
? severeness of the knee
? Obvious presence of fluid in the knee
? Difficulty in moving or squatting (1)(2)(5)
As you can perceive these signs can be...If you want to get a full essay, indian lodge it on our website: Orderessay

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Measurements Lab

measuring rods Lab Name
distance Measurements Follow the Instructions in the Lab Manual and fill in your data in the tables provided.

Data Table 1 Length measurements

target area | Length (cm) | Length (mm) | Length (m) |
CD or DVD | 14.2cm | 142mm | 0.142m |
chance upon | 5.5cm | 55mm | 0.055m |
Spoon | 15.6cm | 156mm | 0.156m |
Fork | 17.9cm | 179mm | 0.179m |

Water | Temperature (oC) | Temperature (oF) | Temperature (K) |
Hot from Tap | 45 oC | 113 oF | 318.15K |
Boiling | 99 oC | 210.2 oF | 372.15K |
Boiling for 5 minutes | ci oC | 213.8 oF | 374.15K |
Cold from Tap | 23 oC | 73.4 oF | 296.15K |
Ice water 1 minute | 7 oC | 44.6 oF | 280.15K |
Ice water 5 minutes | 4 oC | 39.2 oF | 272.15K |
Data Table 2- Temperature Measurements

Data Table 3- mickle Measurements

Object | Estimated Mass (g) | Actual mussiness (g) | Actual mass (kg) |
Pen or Pencil | 10g | 6.1g | .0061kg |
3 Pennies | 10g | 7.6g | .0076kg |
1 tail assembly | 7g | 5.6g | .0056kg |
2 qtrs, 3 dimes | 20g | 18.2g | .0182kg |
3 qtrs, 1 dime, 5 pennies | 30g | 31.

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9g | .0319kg |
line | 10g | 8.3g | .0083kg |
Key, 1 qtr, 4 pennies | 25g | 24g | .024kg |

Data Table 4 runny Measurements

| Mass A | Mass B | Mass A-B | | |
Object | Grad Cylinder + capacity | Graduated Cylinder | Substance | Substance Volume | Density, M/V |
Water | 21.5g | 16.5g | 5.0g | 5ml | 1g/ml |
Isopropyl alcohol | 20.7g | 16.5g | 4.2g | 5ml | .84g/ml |

Data Table 5 Measurement Method

Object | Mass (g) | Length (cm) | Width (cm) | Height (cm)...If you exigency to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Lcd Alarm Clock

laboratory 3f liquid crystal display Alarm Clock

Fall 2009

Page 3f.1

Lab 3f LCD Alarm Clock
This laboratory assignment accompanies the book, Embedded microcomputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing, Second edition, by Jonathan W. Valvano, published by Thomson, copyright © 2006. Goals Optimize an existing hardware/ parcel embrasure between a LCD pageant and a microcomputer, chassis a hardware/software interface for three switches apply key wakeup, Design a hardware/software device driver for generating single tones on a speaker, Measure supply original necessary to run the embedded system, Implement a digital alarm clock. Valvano Chapter 3 on Basic Handshake Mechanisms, Valvano class 3.2.2 on key wakeup, Valvano subsection 8.3 on LCD fundamentals, Valvano Section 2.7 on device drivers. hypertext transfer protocol://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/Datasheets/LCDOptrex.pdf http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/Datasheets/LCD.pdf http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/Datasheets/LCD100.pdf http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/Datasheets/LCDHD44780.pdf OC_DP512.zip and LCD_9S12.zip projects, Lab3f_Artist.sch diagram


Starter files

Background Microprocessor-controlled LCD displays are widely use having replaced most of their LED counterparts, because of their low power and flexible display graphics.

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This experiment give illustrate how a handshaked parallel embrasure of the microcomputer will be used to output to the LCD display. The hardware for the display uses an industry standard HD44780 controller. The low-level software initializes and outputs to the HD44780 controller. Even though our 9S12DP512 has many I/O pins, you will implement the 4- crook data interface.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vss (ground) Vdd (+5V power) Vlc (0 to +5 lineage adjustment) RS (0=instruction, 1=data) R/W (0=write to LCD, 1= depict from LCD) E (enable) DB0 (data bit 0) DB1 (data bit 1) DB2 (data bit 2) DB3 (data bit 3) DB4 (data bit 4) DB5 (data bit 5) DB6 (data bit 6) DB7 (data bit 7)

LCD display...If you want to set forth a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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lab report

The law of conversation of heat energy

Objective: To aggregate calefactive and dusty liquid together and predict the temperature of the pastiche.

Equipment/Materials: Styrofoam transfuse, agglomerate scale,

1.Take a dry Styrofoam instill mass the cup and record.
2.Pour about 50 mL to 60 mL mothy piddle in the cup. commode the cup + cold H2 O. Record.
3.Take the temperature of cold H2 O and record.
4.Take about 90 mL to 100 mL of sultry water.
5.Record the temperature of hot H2 O.
6.Mix the hot water with cold water. Stir quietly and take the temp of the mixture.
7.Record the mass of the cup + cold H2 O+ hot H2 O.
8.Clean up work area.

Mass of Styrofoam = 3.9g
Temperature of cold water = 21̊C
Mass of Styrofoam cup + cold water = 52.9g
Temperature of hot water = 72̊C
Mass of Styrofoam cup + cold water + hot water = 142.1g
Temperature of the mixture = 51̊C

1.Calculate the mass of cold water.
Mass of cup + cold water mass of Styrofoam

52.9g 3.9g = 3.0g

2.Calculate the mass of hot water.

Mass of Styrofoam cup + cold water + hot water - Mass of cup + cold water

142.1g 52.9.9g = 89.2g

3.Calculate the temperature of the mixture by applying the law of converstion of heat and energy:

(m ∆T Cp)cold water =(m ∆T Cp)hot water

(49.0g)(x-21)̊C (4.184 J/g ̊C) = 89.2g (72-x)̊C (4.184 J/g ̊C)

49.0x 1029 = -89.2x + 6422.4
+89.2x +89.2x

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2x 1029 = 0 + 6422.4
+ 1029 +1029__
0 7451.4

138.2x= 7451.4
138.2 138.2


4. Find the % error.

(Real #) - ( your #) x 100 = % error
(Real #)

(53.9̊C) - (51̊C) x 100 = 5.3%

The percent error in this experiment was 5.3%. The reasons for experimental errors are:
Heat disadvantage to the surroundings.
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I am oh so hotSister projects

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The nation-state is a certain represent of state that derives its political legitimacy ... associated with the rise of the modern strategy of states— ...
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The rise of Switzerland as a federal state began on September 12, 1848, with the creation of a federal constitution , which was created in ...
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The valleys of the Alps have been inhabited since prehistoric times. Alpine culture centers virtually transhumance . Early history ...
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The modern state of Israel has its historical and religious grow in the Biblical Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael), a concept profound to ...

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ScienceDaily (Oct. 20, 2005) â€" Obesity is one of the major health concerns among both tiddlerren and adults in the United States today. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests that children should not esteem more than two hours of television a day. However, the middling child in the U.S. regularly watches between 2-3 hours of television a day, and many an(prenominal) children have a television set in their bedroom. non only are children inactive while they are ceremony television, they often snack on cytomegalic food choices. Establishing unhealthy habits as a child can continue into adulthood. two articles in the October issue of The Journal of Pediatrics describe the kin between television watching and childhood obesity.

See overly:
Health & adenine; Medicine
* Childrens Health
* Obesity
* Diet and Weight Loss
Mind & Brain
* Child Psychology
* Child Development
* Dieting and Weight Control
* Toddler
* Pediatrics
* Child
* Sleep deprivation
Drs. R.M. Viner and T.J. pelf from the University College London evaluated the effects of early childhood television watching on adult obesity by assessing data from 8,158 participants of the 1970 suffer Cohort.

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Height, weight, and frequency of television watching were assessed at ages 5, 10, and 30 years. At age 5, approximately 40% of the participants exceeded the AAPs guidelines, although the average number of hours watched was 1 ½ hours. The researchers found that each additional hour of weekend TV watching by five-year-old children over the AAPs suggested two hours may plus the risk of obesity in 30 year olds by 7%.
Drs. Kirsten Davison, Lori Francis, and Leann Birch from the State University of New York evaluated the television display behaviors of 173 girls and their parents. At both 9 and 11 years old, the girls watched an average of 1.9 hours of television a day, although approximately 39% of girls and 30% of parents exceeded the AAPs guidelines. Parents who...If you indigence to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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It Next Five Year



proletariat 13

toil 28

TASK 311

TASK 419





A simpl? IS strat?gy planning activiti?s, but most manag?rs would say that th?y p?rform b?tt?r if th?y plan to adh?r? to th? goals that and plan. That is if w? fail to plan, w? plan to fail. In addition y?t to acknowl?dg? valu? of planning, th?r? ar? no commonly agr??d principl?s of any busin?ss plan or strat?gy but can l?ad to v?ry hearty gains or loss?s. But most p?opl? agr?? that chasteness of t?chnology d?v?lopm?nt and acquisition is an important asp viper?ct of mod?rn manag?m?nt, th? adjudge ?ff?ctiv?ly IS th? goal should b? ?stablish?d. Syst?ms Planning, will non m?an th? majority of organizations, not only fiscal loss?s, and additional hidd?n and oft?n postgraduate?r costs such as low?r?d staff moral?, miss?d opportuniti?s, lif?-manag?m?nt fir?-fighting, as w?ll as custom?r dissatisfaction.

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Planning h?lps an organization id?ntify its information n??ds and find n?w opportuniti?s for th? us? of this information, and d?t?rmin?s th? activiti?s r?quir?d to impl?m?nt th? chos?n strat?gy (S?ng? 1990 p. 58-147).

1. uninflected Deductive
In r?al situations, t?rminal op?rators, in fact, ?ncount?r?d various probl?ms in th? starting time phas? of th? r?volution. And it tak?s a lot of pag?s to writ? it.
First, at th? v?ry b?ginning, th? company has id?ntifi?d a n?w s?t of op?rations g?n?rally. Th? n?w styl? will b? th? futur? busin?ss mod?l. And th?n, manag?m?nt will b?gin to upgrad? th? whol? community, and apply a n?w styl? of work. At th? sam? tim?, IT ?ngin? loosen up up w?ll, and ar? r?ady to apply th? d?cision of ?ach port. Finally, today, ?njoy?d succ?ss and b?gin to apply th? sam? id?a at th? oth?r take aim?r ports.
But in applying th? analytical and d?ductiv? thinking th?ory, h? could not...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Igg1 Structure And Function

Immunoglobulin G1
Functional Properties
Basic Structural Properties
In this circulate I will be focusing on the social system of the most abundant type of immunoglobulin, Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1), and how these complex body parts explain its utilitarian properties. The IgG1 is a tetrameric quaternary structure, with ii identical light handcuffs and two identical heavy ambits, which a8re linked to take onher by disulphide bonds (Figure 1a). Each IgG1 contains two Fab moieties, consisting of two variable and two constant domains per Fab. The variable Fab domains shape the paratope at the amino group terminal of the monomer. Constant domains have a characteristic structure known as the immunoglobulin fold, a well hold motif in all Beta class domains [1]. The back up and third constant domains of the two heavy drawstrings, in the chase after voice of the IgG1, make up the Fc region of the antibody. This region binds to confused Fc receptors on effector cells to activate various clearing mechanisms, much(prenominal) as antigen dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) [2]. Attached to the Fc region of separately heavy chain is a complex oligosaccharide, which is bonded to the heavy chain at the Asn314 residue (Figure 1b).

Importance of Glycosylation
The IgG1 is glycosylated at the Asn314 of the heavy chain within the Fc region (Figure 1b).

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The oligosaccharide has been shown to be vital for the affinity of the Fc region to the Fc receptors of the leukocytic cells of the immune system and other forms of biological recognition [3, 4]. This has been show in studies by testing the affinity of human Fc receptors with different glycoforms of IgG1-Fc and it was found that the glycoforms of IgG1-Fc which were partially de-glycosylated were several folds less active than the entire glycoforms [5].
There are numerous noncovalent interactions between the oligosaccharide and the protein moiety (Figure 2), and so resulting in reciprocal influences on each others conformation, playing an important role in protein...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Hydrogen Peroxide Lab

The Effect of Hydrogen hydrogen peroxide on the Reaction tramp of the Enzyme Catalase

Manipulated Variables:
* Different Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%)
Responding Variable:
* The reply rate of the equation with catalase in the five different concentrations of heat content peroxide
Controlled Variables:
-Same amount of yeast (catalase)
-10mL of total heat peroxide in from each one test tube
-the written report disks were all the same
-all lab equipment was cleaned between each use to ensure no contamination of different percentages of hydrogen peroxide

data Collection and Processing:

Qualitative Data:
-The hydrogen peroxide was a clear liquid with no particles in it
-The yeast had chunks in the bottom, it was not stirred well
-The yeast was a yellow/brown colour when we dipped paper stacks into it
-When the response involving the Catalase occurred we could see tiny oxygen molecules begin to form on top of the yeast paper disk
-The bubbles of oxygen made the paper disc float back up to the surface

Quantitative Data:
Raw Data:
era it took for the yeast paper circle to rise to the surface of the 10m ±1mL of solution for:
0.1% Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide age in (s)
political campaign 1| 65.70±0.005s (0.007610%)|
Trial 2| 69.52±0.005s (0.007192%)|
Trial 3| 79.81±0.005s (0.

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0.2% Concentration of Hydrogen PeroxideTime in (s)
Trial 1| 62.01±0.005s (0.008063%)|
Trial 2| 59.06±0.005s (0.008466%)|
Trial 3| 57.19±0.005s (0.008743%)|

0.3% Concentration of Hydrogen PeroxideTime in (s)
Trial 1| 49.65±0.005s (0.01007%)|
Trial 2| 48.47±0.005s (0.01032%)|
Trial 3| 46.69±0.005s (0.01071%)|

0.4% Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide
Trial 1| 39.07±0.005s (0.01800%)|
Trial 2| 28.61±0.005s (0.01748%)|
Trial 3 | 42.67±0.005s (0.01172%)|

0.5% Concentration of Hydrogen PeroxideTime in (s)

Trial 1| 23.27±0.005 (0.02149%)|
Trial 2| 29.64±0.005 (0.01687%)|...If you regard to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Human Development Theories

This paper plowes a life experience, for this instance it is a reoccuring romance, and explains what theories send word be applied to the experience. It raise describes how these theories are use at heart neighborly usefulness practice.

It is Copernican that a social prole is able to identify life experiences and relate them to gentlemans gentleman evolution theories in order to link theory with practice. It is also important to understand the theorys relevance to social service practice to ensure the best outcome for the client or situation. Exploring the human mind goes beyond conscious thoughts and many human development theories relate to thoughts and feelings which remain unknown to the individual. Science is a recent method of explaining human development and is founded on laws and principles (Bird & Drewery, 2004). developmental theories include psychoanalytic, cognitive, humanistic and Maori theoretical models.
This bear witness will discuss a life experience of a close plugger of tap and explain its significance to me. It will give a brief overview of his past, the event and the effects it continues to have on him. The essay will then explain the experience through Carl Gustav Jungs Jungian Dream Theory and how his theories can be utilise in social service practice.

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The essay will further explain the experience through Te Wheke Model by Maori theorist Rangimarie Rose Pere and how her theory may apply to social service practice.

John is a close friend of mine who is of Maori and European descent and grew up in a family of flipper in Rotorua. He had a very violent reproduction as a child, however regardless of this he was sanitary behaved and involved in various sports and hobbies throughout his school years. He is a very patient and caring guy who is endlessly trying to help people as much as he can. However underneath all that he is a very scared and insecure man because of a tormenting dream he has experienced for the past eight years. This recurring incubus has had a drastic impact on his...If you want to constrict a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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How to Determine What to Monitor and Control

: engineering 1. How do you determine what to monitor and chequer?
monitor is collection, recording and reporting of information. CRR
-Performed throughout the project, assessing measurements, identifies areas that need attention
Control utilize monitored information to align actual performance with the plan.
-Corrective action, representative action, replanning
figure -> Monitor -> Control (circle)

2. What are the three types of reports?
Project term reports
Time/Cost reports
Variance reports
3. How would you define project control and why is control difficult?
Project control is acts that want to reduce the difference between the plan and the actual
Its difficult because of benevolent behavior and the problems are rarely clear cut

1. How does a PM exert control?
Process reviews, military force assignments, resource allocations. PPR

2. What is mountain range creep, and how do you manage it?
Coping with multifariousnesss frequently cited by premenstrual syndrome as the single most important problem, common reasons for change requests is client and availability of new technologies.

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Contract, Change order, Approval in writing, Consult with Stakeholders, Update plan

1. If the actual termination of the project is a project in itself, how is it different from other projects?

2. What are several(prenominal) of the reasons a failing project still might non be terminated?

3. Should the results of project evaluation or an size up be shared with the project team?

1. What are the study purposes served by an after-the-fact project evaluation?

2. How should an audit team cut through an audit where it is explicitly restricted from accessing certain materials and/or personnel?If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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How America Won The Revolutionary War

The Revolution: What Helped the Colonies Win?

America won the war against overpowering odds. National reserve, gum benjamin Franklin, and the role of individuals helped the colonies in their journey toward independence. erupt of these, I find asa dulcis Franklin and his smarts were the most valuable.
National support helped America win the war. France joined sides with the colonies on their quest to bring into being independent. They helped the States in many ways. First, they sent over Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus von Steuben to help power train the army. It was a huge success. He trained the group of faineant enlistees into a well-trained army. They also contributed supplies, food, weapons, and most of their army. Over all, the colonies never would perk up become independent without the help of France.
The vital help of Benjamin Franklin really contributed to the revolution. Ben was the determined man who decided to go to France to rise and muster up an alliance. He obviously succeeded and was the main(prenominal) promoter in helping make the essential alliance. Ben was also the main negotiator for the Treaty of Paris; witch was the treaty that finish the revolutionary war. He contributed many great ideas and was an essential subprogram in winning the revolution.
The role of individuals really helped win the war.

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On of these individuals was George Washington. He provided great help for the Colonies during the revolutionary war. For starters, he helped remark the army alive. He fought when needed, and hid when needed. George vaccinated his entire army from minor pox insisting that nobody was allowed to enlist unless vaccinated. Another lend factor was his ability to adjust. He was able to adjust when his round plan went wrong and was still able to win with stripped-down loss. George Washington was a very smart man.
To conclude, the colonies had a voltaic pile of help winning the war against huge, overwhelming odds. They had the help of individuals, Benjamin Franklin, and National Support. Benjamin Franklin...If you want to get a salutary essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass #1
Frederick Douglass had two mortify copys while in slavery. His first master was “Captain” Anthony. Anthony was a harsh man, who seemed to find joy in whipping his slaves. Anthony was not a rich slave h antiquateder. He owned three or four farms and had about cardinal slaves. He had two sons, Andrew and Richard sensation daughter, Lucretia and her husband Captain doubting doubting Thomas Auld. All of them lived together in a house which sit on the plantation of Colonel Edward Llyod. Douglass’s master was Llyod’s shop clerk and superintendent.
Next, we have one of the overseer’s Mr. Severe. Severe died dead after Douglass went to Colonel Llyod’s. He was a very cruel man, whose stir fit him quiet well. “He seemed to take pleasure in manifesting his fiendish barbarity” (Douglass 27). Severe was a man who was unceasingly cursing. There was almost never a sentence state by him that did not have profane language in it.
After Mr. Sever died he was replaced by Mr. Hopkins. Mr. Hopkins was nothing kindred Mr. Severe. “He was less cruel, less profane, and made less make noise than Mr. Severe” (Douglass 28). However, Hopkins did not last for long; it was most liable(predicate) because he did not have the severity want by Llyod.
Mr. Hopkins was replaced by Mr. Austin bloodbath.

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Previously Gore had worked for Llyod on one of his out farms and had proved himself worthy of overseeing the Great House Farm. Gore was a proud and ambitious man, and feared most by altogether the slaves. He was savagely barbaric and killed with no regrets.
Douglass was between cardinal and eight when he left Colonel Llyod’s plantation. His old master Anthony let him go to Baltimore to live with Mr. Hugh Auld and his wife, Sophia to be a servant to their son, Thomas. Mr. Hugh Auld was a brother to Frederick’s old master’s son in law, Captain Thomas Auld.
Hugh Auld was Douglass’s master while living in Baltimore He was treated much better in Baltimore than when in the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Food Inc.

Food Inc. Paper
The documentary food inc. really shows how the world straight off puts chemics into foods that in return support them inexpensive and fast to produce. fundamental food is only a fraction that remains in the world today. Fertilizers used to grow produce modify veritable plants as well for food that feeds animals for they can grow large and fatter to pass inspection for slaughter houses. Three chemicals that I plant interesting in the video that are used more or less in every type of foods are Fibersol-2, atomic number 20 Stearate, and of import Tocopherol.
Fibersol-2 digestion resistant maltodextrin is a spray-dried pulverise produced by a propriety method of controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of corn amylum. It contains numerous links of starch that remain undigested by enzymes of the human digestive tract. Fibersol-2 is a concentrated form (90% minimum, dry solids basis) of soluble dietary quality derived from nature. Applications of Fibersol-2 are used in many different types of foods and beverages. well-nigh examples include sports drinks, processed meats, frozen dairy desserts, dressing, and the list goes on. This share is shown to help maintain intestinal regularity and help take hold healthy serum triglycerides. In conclusion Fibersol-2 is not classify as a dangerous substance and has no environmental issues.

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Another chemical that is used in the foods we eat is Calcium Stearate or another name for it is Calcium salt. It has a chemical formula of [CH3(CH2)16CO2]2Ca and looks like white powder. This chemical is applied to foods and nonfoods that make it an essential ingredient. In foods it is used to make honey powder and dry flour based ingredients sold to bakeries. Calcium stearate is in any case added to egg products, fish and oils, hard and soft candy, poultry products, and so on. When it is applied to nonfood items it can be used as a stabilizer or plasticizer in the plastic industry. wellness and environmental concerns for the chemical find it virtually nontoxic and no rulings for...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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financial aid

Several states in United States argon trying to book black immigrants to pay discounted instate guardianship at public colleges-rates that argon even unavailable to U.S. citizens that reach a out-state status. In hosting Americas largest existence of il statutory immigrants, California bears a huge cost to countenance education to this fast growing and low income population. Data from the fusion for American Immigration restore shows that about 6 jillion dollars be spent on the education of illegal aliens apiece year. Even though public colleges in California are receiving significantly less(prenominal) in-state education funding under the across the country budget shortfall, the population of illegal alien students is increasing by thirteen percent each year since 2006. Giving in-state charge rates and financial aids means fewer opportunities and less aid for U.S. Citizens and legal immigrants, burdening taxpayers to pay for the education to school-aged illegal immigrants and is considered illegal after the failure of passing the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, therefore, in-state tuition rates and financial aids should be unavailable to illegal immigrants who enroll in public colleges in California.

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Only legal students should be admitted to a public college wish well UCLA and be offered in-state tuition rates because limited opportunities to U.S. Citizens and legal immigrants are denied by the intake of illegal students and offering them in-state tuition rates. With the tuition at private colleges skyrocketing each year, slots and in-state tuition rates at public colleges are the totally hope for students holding legal status who loss to pursue their dreams. UCLA, being one of the merry-go-round public colleges in United States, has an admittance rate of only twenty-three percent. Shockingly, of those twenty percent of applicants accepted, three percent of them are undocumented aliens. Seven percent of them do not have their ethnicities reported, meaning that there can be more undocumented...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Fashionable Anti-Americanism

In Fashionable Anti-Amercanism, Dominic Hilton considers the villainous identity America has interpreted on by foreign countries. He discusses whether these countries are licitly angry, or if they declare a Freudian complex involving the attention to escort sort at themselves cynically and discontinue the hellish towards America. There is strong focus on anti-Americanism being seen as fashionable and uneducated. Hilton questions whether it would matter what America did, because the discrimination would most likely continue. He uses physical exercises, and quotes to demonstrate the irony of foreigners lack of condolence towards America. In conclusion Hilton petitions for those who judge America incessantly, to stop projecting, and take the magazine to except their responsibility, and work on themselves.

Amongst many countries in the gist East and Europe, symbols of American patriotism are looked at as modern day criminals. It has become popularized to carry hatred towards
the unite States, seen in many trendy TV shows and popular literature. Hilton uses an example of how his friend was treated in Europe. At a eating place the server subtly hinted at his bias by component part him quickly so that he would leave as in short as possible.

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Hilton makes it clear that America need not let themselves feel so attacked, by trying to give a nonchalant response of forget about it. It has been seen that the anti-americanism trend started subsequently 9/11. Also he mentions that people might have stopped appreciating America when we re-elected Bush because it made them all look like hypocrites. Hilton makes an interest point of humanizing America, saying that one cannot look at America as perfect, because its imperfection adds to the greatness of the country, he makes it clear that foreign countries attitude is freudian in the smack of, they do not exigency to look at what their accept problems are, so they take a default stance with the honest statement I hate America.

Hilton makes two distinct differences...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Expert System


One of the largest argona of applications of artificial intelligence is in unspoiled sytems, or knowledge leveld systems as they are often known. This type of system seeks to exploit the specialised skills or information held by of a group of people on specific areas. It can be panorama of as a computerised consulting service. It can also be called an information guidance sytem. much(prenominal) systems are used for prospecting medical diagnosis or as educational aids. They are also used in applied science and manufacture in the control of robots where they inter-relate with vision systems. The initial attempts to reach artificial intelligence to generalised problems made limited communicate as we have seen but it was soon realised that more(prenominal) significant progress could be made if the field of use up was restricted.


The internal structure of an expert system can be considered to consist of three parts:

the knowledge base ; the database; the observe interpreter.

This is analagous to the production system where we have

the tag of productions; the set of facts held as operative memory and a rule interpreter.


The knowledge base holds the set of rules of induction that are used in reasoning.

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almost of these systems use IF-THEN rules to represent knowledge. Typically systems can have from a few hundred to a few thousand rules.

The database gives the stage setting of the problem domain and is generally considered to be a set of useful facts. These are the facts that satisfy the setting part of the condition action rules as the IF THEN rules can be thought of.

The rule interpreter is often known as an inference engine and controls the knowledge base using the set of facts to arrive at even more facts. Communication with the sytem is ideally provided by a natural language interface. This enables a user to interact indelendently of the expert with the intelligent system.

OPERATION OF THE...If you want to get a in full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Electric Current

voltaicity is a command term encompassing a variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and emanate of electrical charge. These include galore(postnominal) easily recognizable phenomena, such as lightning, static electrical energy, and the flow of electrical latest in an electrical wire. In addition, electricity encompasses less familiar concepts such as the electro magnetized correction and electromagnetic induction.
The word is from the New Latin ?lectricus, amber-like[a], coined in the course of study 1600 from the Greek ???????? (electron) meaning amber (hardened plant resin), because static electricity effects were produced classically by rubbing amber.
In general usage, the word electricity adequately refers to a number of physiological effects. In scientific usage, however, the term is vague, and these related, but distinct, concepts are let out identified by more precise terms:
* Electric charge: a property of some subatomic particles, which determines their electromagnetic interactions. Electrically aerated matter is god by, and produces, electromagnetic fields.
* Electric current: a movement or flow of electrically charged particles, typically measured in amperes.
* Electric field: an influence produced by an electric charge on other charges in its vicinity.

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* Electric potential: the capacity of an electric field to do work on an electric charge, typically measured in volts.
* Electromagnetism: a fundamental interaction between the magnetic field and the presence and motion of an electric charge.
The most gross use of the word electricity is less precise. It refers to:
* Electric reason provided commercially by the electrical power industry. In a loose but common use of the term, electricity may be used to mean wired for electricity which gist a working connection to an electric power station. such(prenominal) a connection grants the user of electricity access to the electric field present in electrical wiring, and thus to electric power.
Electrical...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Eei Relationship Between Surface Area and Volume and Osmosis

Extended experimental investigation
Relationships between surface argona and muckle and osmosis
Osmosis is the movement of body of water with a semitrailer permeable membrane, separating dissolvers of different niggardnesss. The water passes from a region of high school concentration to a region of low concentration, until the ii concentrations are equal in concentrations of water. Many cell membranes behave as semi permeable membranes, and osmosis is a vital mechanism in the transport of fluids in living organisms, for example, in the transport of water from the soil to the roots in plants. If a cell is in contact with a solution of lower water concentration than its own contents, then water leaves the cell by osmosis, with the cell membrane. Water is lost first from the cytoplasm, then the vacuole through the tonoplast. The living contents of the cell contracts and eventually pulls away from the cell wall and shrinks, this is known as Plasmolysis.
Isotonic solutions are two solutions that have the same concentration of a solute. Hypertonic solution is unitary of two solution is one of two solutions that has a higher concentration of a solute. Hypotonic solution is one of two solutions that has a lower concentration of a solute.

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wherefore do the smaller sized jelly balls promote zymosis more efficiently than those that are sizabler? It has been found that the do to this question depends non on the surface field of operation of the balls, however the ratio of surface area to the volume enclosed. A large SA/Vol ratio is required so that there is sufficient area for diffusion to occur to allow molecules to enter the cell and ply adequate material for the cell. If cells were much larger than they are, it would take so long for nutrients to diffuse from the surface to the centre that the cell would not function properly. To function best, a cell needs a large surface area and a small volume.
alike investigations have been performed; the results of other similar...If you want to get a wide-eyed essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Earth Subsystems

The cosmos System and Rock Cycle
This is probe is astir(predicate) the Earth System and its Rock Cycle. The Earth scheme deals with the interaction between the ambience, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. All of Earths spheres are somehow connected. It causes a chain reaction. An event bum happen as natural disaster. The interactions and feedbacks between the component move are complex .The understanding of the natural dynamics of the Earth System has advanced greatly in recent geezerhood and provides a sound basis for evaluating the effects and consequences of human-driven change. In the list cycle, disceptations goes through different processes that change from one type to some other over time.
The planet Earth , from its center to the outer limits of its atmosphere, including everything in and on it, is a mixed living and nonliving arranging within the solar body, the Milky Way galaxy, and, ultimately, the universe. Earth is a mixed living and nonliving system. The Earth is an open system, interacting with its atmosphere and with matter and energy in space. Earth is a system that is broken into a number of subsystems the geosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. The Earths subsystems are interconnected by processes and cycles.

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Over time, they store, transform and transfer matter and energy end-to-end the whole Earth system, and react with each other. The Earths system is complex and dynamic.
Have you ever thought near how the earth works? Its fascinating to learn about the Earth system. A system is a collection of mutualist parts enclosed within a defined boundary. inwardly the boundary of the earth is a collection of four mutually beneficial parts called spheres. Earths spheres include:
* the lithosphere, which contains all of the cold, hard, solid rock of the planets change surface (surface), the hot semi-solid rock that lies underneath the crust, the hot liquid rock near the center of the planet, and the solid iron core (center) of the...If you require to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Dr Nilamoni Saikia

P N Phukan1 and N Saikia2
Deptt. of Mathematical Sciences, Chaiduar College, Gohpur-784168 India
The section move and the divisor course are two get theoretic portions in addition come up theory and increasing number theory respectively. The number theoretic answers play classical roles in number theory. In earlier studies many authors direct established relationships among some(a) of these functions, but not all of them. In this paper we establish relationship between partition function and divisor function along with some theorems related to from each one functions.
Kew words: partition function, divisor function, generating function, Ferrers diagram, pentagonal numbers.
PACS number: 03.65.Ge,o3.65.Fd,03.65.-w

1. ledger entry:
In multiplicative number theory we are implicated with how a autocratic whole number is constructed as a crossing of prime numbers or product of divisors. Two objects of lodge in here are the sum of divisors function ?(n) and number of divisors function d(n), which are , the sum of divisors and number of divisors of n respectively.

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Additive number theory, on the other hand, is concerned with how a positive integer can be constructed as the sum of numbers from some set. The goal of this paper is to show the relationships between partition function and divisor function. In order to do that, one necessarily to describe these two functions which is the aim of this paper along with their properties. At first we define the respective function , illustrated with simple examples, undertaken problems, obtained generating functions for several(prenominal) partition functions, solve some theorems related to each function and then shows the relationships between the partition function and divisor function.

2. Partitions:
rendering 2.1:-
A partition of a non-negative integer n is a representation of n as a sum of positive integers. We often write the...If you want to get a full-of-the-moon essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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deoxyribonucleic acid, RNA

DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions is found in all living organisms, which develops and helps functions in the organism. DNA is the long term storage of information. DNA aim is like a bluebooks role for a house its the master plan and structure of the human body. DNA is unionised into structures called chromosomes. These chromosomes are copied before cells divide, in a dish called DNA replication. Chemically, DNA is a long polymer of simple units called nucleotides, with a lynchpin made of sugars and phosphate groups joined by ester bonds. Attached to distributively sugar are four different types of molecules called bases. Its the process of these four bases along the backbone that gives out this information. This information is analyse using a code that the genetic molecules process, which tells the sequence of the amino acids within proteins. The genetic code is read by copy stretches of DNA into the related nucleic acid RNA. Ribonucleic acid is a nucleic acid, which contains some nucleotides that are formed from the polymer.

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RNA plays several important biological roles, including many processes involving translation of genetic information which I talked some earlier. Each nucleotide in RNA consists of a nitrogen-bearing base, a ribose sugar, and a phosphate. Nucleotides are the structural units of RNA, DNA, and several other(a) factors. There are several types of bases in Nucleotides which are employ in DNA. Thymine, Cytosine, Adenine, and Guanine. Adenine is unendingly paired with Thymine, and Cytosine is always paired with Guanine. And what holds these bases together is Hydrogen bonds
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Crt 205 Argument Credibility Peer Review

2. CheckPoint Part 2: Argument Credibility Peer follow
Resource: A classmate’s CheckPoint Part I response
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual meeting place]
follow-up the Constructive Feedback Tutorial at Note: This tutorial uses audio narration and is about ten minutes in length. A constructive feedback transcript is available.
Perform a helpmate review of a classmate’s CheckPoint Part I response, which your instructor will place in your Individual forum on Day 3.
Answer the following questions in a 100- to 200-word response:
Do you cypher your classmate accurately determine the claims? Explain your answer.
Your classmate has compared the claims against his or her in the flesh(predicate) observations; how do the claims chord or conflict with your own individualized observations? How are the observations do by you and your classmate the same or different?
Your classmate has compared the claims against his or her backdrop information; how do the claims agree or conflict with your own background information? How are the background analyses of you and your classmate the same or different?
Do you encounter your classmate made an accurate judgment about the precedent’s bias or trustworthiness? Explain your answer.

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Which concepts from the feedback tutorial did you use to conduct this peer review?

Do you judge your classmate accurately identified the claims? Explain your answer.

Yes, I think my classmate accurately identified the claims.

Your classmate has compared the claims against his or her personal observations; how do the claims agree or conflict with your own personal observations? How are the observations made by you and your classmate the same or different?

The claims agree with my personal observations because animals in the wild brandish without human interference. I agree with my classmates observations of the video and animal earth because without humans to hunt the animals, there would...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Crct Science 8Th Grade

Which form of energy is produced from
human-made materials?
A. geothermal
B. wind
C. solar
D. synthetic fuel
ID:68999 A
2. It is safe to perform a lab experiment without
goggles when
A. massing soil samples.
B. chipping sway samples.
C. mixing very weak acids.
D. heating small quantities.
ID:57858 A
3. Since to the highest degree power plants are built near the
ocean, they can foul the water. One way
this occurs is when warm wastewater is
pumped into cool seawater, cleanup position cool-water
organisms. This type of pollution is known as
A. thermal pollution.
B. chemical pollution.
C. bank deposit pollution.
D. convection pollution.
GA 2002 Gr8 REMSS
ID:69102 B
5. When scientists seed a cloud to produce
rain, they are nerve-wracking to change the water
cycle by altering
A. accumulation.
B. condensation.
C. runoff.
D. evaporation.
ID:62335 C
6. Which statement about mountains BEST
describes the uprise of Earth over time?
A. Flat surfaces are bit by bit pushed
to irritateher into higher mountains until Earth
is covered with mountains.
B. Mountains gradually erode until most of
Earth is at sea level.
C. Mountains gradually erode, and new
mountains are unceasingly formed.
D. Mountains and plains stay side by side
for billions of years with little change.

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ID:69125 A
7. By observing the characteristics of the Sun,
people can learn more about
A. stars.
B. comets.
C. inappropriate planets.
D. the Moon.
ID:62096 OT106-tempseale B
ID:57855 D
9. An underwater mountain chain that forms on
the ocean appal is known as a
A. continental shelf.
B. rift z atomic number 53.
C. continental slope.
D. mid-ocean ridge.
GA 2002 Gr8 REMSS
ID:56506 D
10. Beth wants to cause out if the lake in her town
contains pollutants. The best way for Beth to
gather these selective information would be to collect
A. one surface sample near shore.
B. one surface sample and one deep sample
from the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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contract creation


As you all know suspender Systems centering has been working closely with Citizen-Schwarz AG (C-S) to develop for them a banking software system. I want to just reiterate to you all that this is one of our biggest clients, and that the distill surrounded by Span Systems and Citizen-Schwartz is worth six million dollars! Citizen-Schwarz has an flush bigger order coming up in the future, and if Span Systems wants any piece of it we need to make sure that this find starts running more smoothly. Im sure a few of you have heard the problems going on between Span Systems and Citizen-Schwarz… I would like to clarify to all of you on the dot what is happening. As of recent, Leon Ther who is Citizen-Schwarz most influential negotiators has threatened Span Systems Management with the rescission of our rivet with them. Mr. Ther believes that there is a breach of contract due to unaccept satisfactory spirit of deliverables and the occurrence of recent entry slips (Contract and Creation Management). I would like to clarify the exact nitty-gritty of a contract. A contract is a promise or set of promises for breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the surgical procedure of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty (Jennings ¶ 1).

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I would like to address the risks that came from this situation as well as ways to minimize them and to reduce liabilities in the future.
The contract that Span Systems Management and Citizen-Schwarz drew up had some(prenominal) articles in it. One of the clauses was Substantial Performance of contract. Under this clause neither bureauy may be able to trigger off this agreement in whole or in part subsequent to more than fifty part of the consideration having been tended by the other. (Contact and Creation Management). Citizen-Schwarz will not be able to rescind this contract since Span Systems completed fifty percent of the project. Citizen-Schwarz may though, be able to fight this saying that the quality of deliverables has been deficient… It was not to their...If you want to get a fully essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Computing and Society

World Literature 2
8 March 2007
Computing and Society
This paper give briefly discuss the evolution of figuring so that it may become easier to understand more(prenominal) about computation. The description of a computer will be discussed and the evolution will span from the abacus to windows vista. Computing has had a massive effect on society and changed the way everything we do. Just as you go with life making friends, whom help you out throughout your life, computers net income with each other. It will also discuss how personal computing has allowed people to evolve it to personal networking.
Computing refers simply to anything which calculate, or computes. When you ask someone the question when was the first computer construct and apply? you often unsex answer such as the 60s or 70s, and all of these answers are wrong. One of the first save use of computers was the abacus in ancient china. The Chinese people used this device to compute large rime that they were unable to wager on their fingers.
Math itself was not around forever. First people needed to understand the concept of numbers. Once the concept of numbers became concrete the idea of counting and mathematical computation arose as well. The very first precursor to computing, or a computing aid was in fact paper, or velum.

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The numerological calculations universe performed could be easily shown on these mediums. At first, besides the perspicuous use of counting chickens and oranges, numbers didnt serve untold more of a role. Although as it evolved, and mathematical computations such as addition, subtraction, trigonometry were developed numbers and the computation of them became more and more useful. Some examples include navigating the seas. Mapping the stars, and predicting the weather.
As all these computations added up, it became a laborious task and the need for machines and mechanisms to aid in these computations was an diaphanous necessity. Evolution was slow going, but going none-the-less....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Guided Tour
Unless you are on familiar ground, you usu in ally occupy a map to puddle around any thumping area. To get from mavin place to another, the best map is a road map (or street map). If you are staying in one general area and are looking for places of interest, you need a holidaymaker map. Because we are staying within the context of Linux and were looking for things of interest, what I am going to give you now is a tourist map of Linux directories.
In later chapters, well go into detail near many of the directories that we are going to encounter here. For now, I am going to briefly describe where they are and what their functions are. As we get into different sections of the book, it will be a lot easier to run short ab prohibited and know how files relate if we already confuse an misgiving of the basic directory structure.
One thing I would like to berth out is that (for the most part) the directories of most UNIX systems are laid out according to the functionality of the files and programs within the directory. One enhancement that Linux makes is allowing things to be in more than than one place. For example, files that the system uses may be in one place and those that normal users need may be in another place. Linux takes advantage of links to allow the incumbent files to be in both places. Well talk more roughly links as we move on.

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One question stack often ask is why it is necessary to know what all the directories are for. Well, it isnt. It isnt necessary to know them all, just the more in-chief(postnominal) ones. While working in tech support, I have talked numerous times with administrators who were trying to clean up their systems a little. Because they had little experience with UNIX systems, they ended up removing things that they thought were unnecessary, precisely turned out to be vital for the operation of the system. If they knew more about where things were and what they were for, they wouldnt have made these mistakes.
As we go by these directories, keep in mind that your...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chem Lab

Elements - Zinc (Zn), Magnesium (Mg), Copper (Cu), Silver (Ag), Oxygen (O2)
Compounds - sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3), Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Solutions - Cupric Sulfate (CuSO4), Hydrochloric pungent (HCl), atomic number 11 Hydroxide (NaOH), Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2), Silver Nitrate (AgNO3), Sodium Phosphate (Na3PO4)

Decomposition - a chemical substance fightion that occurs when a single compound breaks down into two or more than parts or new compounds.
Decomposition - CaCO3(s) ? CaO(s) + CO2(g)

Synthesis - a chemical reaction in which two or more substances react to create one product.
Synthesis - 2 Na(s) + Cl2(g) ? 2 NaCl(s)

private Replacement - a chemical reaction that occurs when the atoms of one element replace the atoms of another element in a compound.
hotshot Replacement - 2 AgNO3(aq) + Zn(s) ? 2 Ag(s) + Zn(NO3)2(aq)

Double Replacement - a chemical reaction that involves the exchange of ions between two compounds and produces wholly a precipitate, a gas, or water.
Double Replacement - AgNO3 (aq) + NaCl (aq) ? AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aq)

burn - a chemical reaction that occurs when a substance reacts with atomic number 8, release energy in the form of heat and light.

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Combustion - CH4 (g) + 2 O2 (g) ? CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)

A single electric switch reaction will produce new products when a coat is higher than the other metal on the activity serial publication is when a single replacement will occur since the metal that is higher than the metal that is being replaced has a more vigorous than the low one.
You can determine the precipitate in a double replacement by knowing the solubility rules. much(prenominal) as wholly carbonates and phosphates except group I and ammonium, all hydroxides except Group I, Strontium, and Barium, all sulfides except group I, II, and ammonium, and all oxides except group I these are all insoluble.
A substance can be made to react with group O in the air from having a source of ignition. Which then oxygen can combine to form heat and light.

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Centripetal Force


Centripetal Force

Ruel Mallari
Physics 186 lab


The aim of this experiment was to describe how the magnitude of centripetal force for consistent circular motion may be determined development a centripetal force apparatus with variable hie rotor.

For this experiment, we needed to obtain the following set of measurements to calculate our information:
Average rotational frequency (f=N/60)
As we change magnitude the rotations per minute on the centripetal force apparatus we hold open the pointer modernize. This was done on five different trials, averaged, and thence divided by 60 routines.
Suspended mass
Measurement was interpreted by putting weights to the spring (via weight hanger) produce the very(prenominal) extension of the spring as when on the rotor (pointer aimed at the index screw position), noting when the pointer will cause it to rise and point toward the index screw
Cylinder Mass
This was stamped on the cylinder.
Total hang mass
Mass of the suspended mass and the cylinder mass. M = M1 + m
Radius of the circular path
Using a Vernier caliper, we mensurable the distance between the axis of rotation (the index screw) and concentre mass of the cylinder.

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Data Tables 5 and 6 (attached sheets)

Once we take a shit collected our data, we were able to calculate the Total suspended mass, the get up measure of Fc, Computed Fc, and the percent passing.

Based on my calculations the percent difference that resulted may pass on been due to not understanding the performance of the variable speed apparatus rotor causing us to initially take the first rpm reading of the pointer moving and not allowing it to reset. This is seen with difference between the first and second trials. Other possibilities I feel that I may have contributed to a high percent difference was that I did not converted units properly or simply mathematical.

This experiment allowed us to understand the magnitude...If you want to get a full essay, raise it on our website: Orderessay

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Catalase Lab

Final Lab Catalase Formal Lab:
An enzyme is a biological catalyst that alters the rate of reaction without being consumed or changing the reaction itself. Enzymes are also proteins; they take on a three- dimensional shape which forms a specific supple set. An supple site is a location where a substratum binds with an enzyme. Usu totallyy they are a pocket or line in the three- dimensional shape of the protein. Next to the active site, scarce still a great distance away is the Allosteric site, sites containing receptors. The allosteric site is a go of enzyme activation, the difference between the energy direct of the transition state and the potential energy of reacting molecules. Another part of the enzyme activation is the activator, which links itself to the allosteric site; it changes the shape of the enzyme letting the active site to allow the substrate to latch on.

Many cells throw out produce hydrogen peroxide as a noxious; this takes place by proceedss from their own metabolic reaction. Another product cells can produce is catalase enzyme which helps set outdown hydrogen peroxide into pee and O2 gas.

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Catalase enzyme
2 Hydrogen peroxide 2 water + atomic number 8 + heat energy

Every type of animal on primer coat uses catalase in their organs, but it is commonly known that liver has the highest concentration. The moderateness why scientist say liver has the highest concentration then all the other organs is because the livers function is to break down toxins present in the blood. This goes fade in hand with cells producing hydrogen peroxide a toxin.
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Carbon Capture And Storage

5 Carbon suppress and Storage*

5.1 CCS as an installation to the Electricity System
Coal is a major pillar of electrical energy contemporaries worldwide, providing around 40% of total electricity generation (IEA 2006b). Emerging countries like China or India are unendingly commissioning new large char plants in give to meet their massive increases in electricity demand. In Germany, coal and lignite are major domestic energy resources and too dominating inputs to electricity generation. Prospects for escaping this carbon lock-in and the related environmental and clime impacts are unfavorable at present (Unruh 2000; 2002; Perkins 2003; Unruh and Carrillo-Hermosilla 2006). Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) promises to enable the low-emissions coal power station. CCS is an incremental variation, representing a change within the existing system that does not menace its overall structure. CCS allows for the continued use of fossil fuels, can be combined with the existing infrastructure (that is, mostly large-scale concentrate power plants) and implemented by existing actors. Opponents therefore venerate that CCS may further delay the urgent transition to a carbon-free electricity system.

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However, CCS may also be considered as an innovation that buys time for radical restructuring and may serve as a bridging technology towards a sustainable energy future. CCS could then be an innovation that paves the way out of the current carbon way of electricity generation. In combination with electricity generation from fossil fuels, CCS is at an early stage of development and market formation, going away several decisions to be made and a number of questions to be asked. Moreover, with regard to sustainability, CCS in combination with the extraction and combustion

By Katja Schumacher, Martin Pehnt and Barbara Praetorius, with contributions from Johannes Henkel, ifeu base for Energy and Environmental Research, Heidelberg, now Technical University Berlin. This chapter is a...If you want to amaze a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Caause Of Too Much Using Of Mobile Phones

APPROVED TOPIC: Effects of Using Mobile Phones/ Gadgets in wish manner much
Today, our generation is so fond of using different gadgets to conform to our own pleasure; little we didnt know that in addition much using of our own technology may harm us in different ways. The radiation it produces causes cancer, neurological symptoms, changes chemic cells. It weakens the optical nerves, cause idiopathic headaches, and affects the body defences. It suppresss fertility of men, reduce sex urge, and imagined aggression. Other people use it for hacking, scamming and affect the mankind interaction.
Mobile phones produce radiations that harm the thought tissues that trigger brain cancer. There are studies of long-term cell use, fork up strand an increased risk of developing two types of brain tumors on the ipsilateral side among the people who use a cellphone for longer than 10 years: glioma (malignant) and acoustic neuroma (benign). In around cases, former(a) people suffer from neurogical symptoms like migraine, and vertigo.
Computers, on the other hand causes dryness of the eyes, weakens the optical nerves, the blank stares developed as a result of staring at the screen for hours together, idiopathic headaches, and mood swings are some of the effects that arise receivable to spending too much in front of the calculator continuously.

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Children should never be allowed to immerse themselves in computer games that have too vivid graphics because it curtails their ability to visualize things for themselves. The affable imagery that is developed when reading novels or stories or eon listening to good story- tellers is much more vivid than plane the best designed graphics.
Lap tops have the added notice of even reducing fertility of men due to the amply temperature arising out of constant usage. The heat that is produce by the laptop lowers the sperm count of the male whos using it on his lap. It is best used in keeping an insulating medium like a wooden plank or a charge folder between our laps and the...If you want to get a liberal essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Beet Cells


Part I. Temperature stresses on biological membranes.
1.Six (6) 10mm-long beetrootroot outset cores of uniform diameter, using a cork borer.
2.beetroot cores were hardened into a 200mL beaker of tap water (room temp) for 2 minutes. aft(prenominal) 2 minutes gently removed the beet cores and discard the dampen water.
3.Placed apiece beet core into for each one of sextette clean dry test renders. Covered tube with seal material.
4.Placed each one of the test tubes into different climates. render tubes were labeled before being put into the climate. maven in a freezer at or so -20 degrees Celsius, iodine in a refrigerator at active 4 degrees Celsius, One in a water john at about 20 degrees Celsius, One in a water bath at about 45 degrees Celsius, One in a water bath at about 60 degrees Celsius, and One in a water bath at about 70 degrees Celsius. Leaving each test tube in the specified climate for 20 minutes.
5.After the treatment design was over 10mL of distilled water (room temp) was added to each test tube. Beet cores were allowed to sneak for an additional 20 minutes.
6.After 20 minutes, removed beet cores from distilled water.
7.Mixed each test tube so that the pigment was uniform throughout the solution.

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Measured the absorbance of each test tube with the distilled water that contained beet pigment (betacyanin) using a spectrophotometer at a 460nm wavelength.
9.Data collected was recorded in lab notebook and also recorded on the blackboard.

Part II. primitive solvent stress on biological membranes.
1.Five (5) 10mm-long beet root cores of uniform diameter, using a cork borer.
2.Beet cores were placed into a 200mL beaker of tap water (room temp) for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes gently removed beet cores and discarded the rinse water.
3.Placed each beet core into each of five clean dry test tubes.
4.Labeled each test tube with the solvent treatment that it was to contain.
a.1% acetone
b.50% acetone
c.1% methanol
d.50% methanol
e.Normal saline
5.Then...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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Back To The Lake Reading

In the essay, “French Sissies vs. German He-Men”, Nina Bernstein describes the American classs of France, and the American stereotypes of Germany. accord to Bernstein, the French “export high fashion, cosmetics, fine food- delicacies traditionally relate to a woman’s pleasure, if not her boudoir. And French has eer been Hollywood’s language of love.” (Bernstein 275). Because of this, Americans have always popular opinion of France as a feminine or “sissy” country. disembodied spirit magazine even comp ared France to “a showgirl slipping a billion-dollar bill’s worth of American aid into her stocking” (Bernstein 276). On the other hand, Germany is stereotyped as a masculine, tough-guy country. “Germany, meanwhile, is the Fatherland, its spike helmets root into the sleek insignia of cars like the Mercedes and the BMW. It also exports heavy machinery and strong beer- products link to manliness” (Bernstein 275).
Bernstein definitely offers a different point of view. She contradicts the stereotype by explaining the mili knaveism of France and the hippie attitude of the Germany.

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“So what if France was fighting in Vietnam, Algeria and Africa, and deploying a force of 36,000 troops around the world, while Germans held placidity vigils and invented Berlin’s Love Parade” (276). Even with this information, these stereotypes still know in America simply because of hatred. Americans and the French are know to dislike each other, so Americans will do their scoop out to make fun of them at any cost. As for Germany, “The Germans are getting away with it because we are so eager to tar and feather France,” explains Ann Douglas (Bernstein 277).

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