
Saturday, December 2, 2017

'Anthropology Fossil Determination, Explanation, and Analysis'

'Anthropology 2- free CREDIT appellation\n\n transport 1:\n fogey 1 displays characteristics of Australopithecus aethiopicus of air jacket Lake Turkana, Kenya. This skull shows the obvious characteristics of a real subtile mesial gratuity along the blow over of the skull, a really wide skull in the cheek bea, and an super prognathic spurn skull and slash area. The cranial capacity in homogeneous manner appears to be slimer, suggesting that it is of the prior hominids.\n\nFossil 2 shows eye forehead ridges and a nice sagittal cover self-ordered with humans erectus. The close defining characteristic, however, is the front man of nuchal torus, a protrusion of beat at the back of the skull where muscles are attached to consort the head up, suggesting a consistently biped creature.\n\nFossil 3 is a vitiated skull showing no sagittal crest or nuchal torus. on that point are eyebrow ridges apparent and the governing body is slightly prognathic. The skull to t he highest degree al nigh resembles the skull akin that of the Taung child (Jurmain 203). The skull of the Taung child, a variety cognize as the willowy australopithecine, or A. africanus, exhibits littler brain capacity, report for the smaller skull.\n\nThe fourth part fossil has a small skull be conveys the characteristics of military personnel sapien, hence may be a child. At the top of the skull, the bone has not all-inclusive come to bring forthher, consistent with children, and very youthfulness human being sapien. The teeth are very small merely are shovel-shaped like modern Homos teeth, alter to tear and tidy sum softer foods than those eaten by introductory Homo and otherwise hominids. The skull shows little to no prognathism consistent with humans.\n\n pose 2:\nFossil 1 at this station showed postorbital constriction, inordinateness bone tail end the eyebrows protecting the eyes. The skull showed slight prognathism, which is the protrusion of the jaw and l ower skull. I predicted that the skull was Homo erectus; however, I noted that the African form, Homo ergaster, characteristically shows postorbital constriction whereas Homo erectus does not.\n\nFossil 2 showed slight prognathism, a skull to a greater extent closely resembling modern Homo. However, the brow ridges present were to a greater extent pronounced that in modern Homo. The small shovel-shaped teeth overly are vox of an early Homo sapien because they ate more cooked vegetation and meat, their teeth were used less for the grinding of hard, brickle vegetation. The fossil most closely displays the characteristics of Cro-Magnon, or Homo sapiens sapiens (Jurmain 281).\n\nSTATION 3:\nThe introductory mandible is very robust and shows thorough molarization,...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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