
Saturday, February 1, 2014


A longitudinal order is designed so that single(a)s or group of people are tried and true or assessed in some way at regular intervals all over a period of their lives , assessing change at set intervals . For authority in to ruminate the learning ability of an individual he would be tried and true at the mount up of 20 , then tested again 10 eld later at 30 , and then again aft(prenominal) a further 10 years in the lowest test at 40 years . Thus a participant would be tested three times everywhere two years cross-section(a) manner , on the other lead , studies people at varying phases of development at whizz point in time it seeks to compare groups of people of different sequences on like tasks at one time , inherently confound bestride and generational membership . For example , a cross-sectional study might i nvolve administering cognitive tests to a different age groups , let s say , 10- , 20- , 30- , 40- years anile , and then compare the means of the groups . This approach can kick downstairs the average age at which certain skills or abilities appear . However , the entropy collected in cross-sectional studies tells miniscule closely the unquestionable development of any single individual . Moreover , the cross-sectional method solely provides information about age differences , not age related change . The biographical method , in contrast to cross-sectional method , is an case to reconstruct the deportment course by interviewing the person and by using various other sources , much as the biographer does in writing a book-length brio story . Longitudinal explore has the great utility of enabling us to study a sample over a span of years , nevertheless it has major disadvantages as well , like the initial concepts and method may generate outmoded after a a couple o f(prenominal) years (Morris and Maisto , 200! 0 . cross-sectional study is the most efficient and teachable , but it has loathsome limitations as a means of exploring the passage of development . similar the cross-sectional and longitudinal methods , biographical method is not a single entity but a huge approach , with some variations in research design , techniques , and aims . biographical method is the only one that allows us to acquire a complex and varied image of the life structure at a undertake time and to outline the development of the life structure over a duration of yearsWORK CITEDMorris , C Maisto , A (2000 . Understanding psychology . New Jersey USA : prentice HallLongitudinal , Cross-sectional , and Biographical Approach PAGE 1...If you want to motor a honorable essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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