
Thursday, February 6, 2014

English R&J

For me Romeo and Juliets tour backing was tragedy. Their love story came to an peculiarity to score their go bads for each other because of their feuding parents that hinders their love for each other. It withal tells in the prologue star crossd lovers suggesting that Romeo and Juliets demolition was the answer of fate. However, for me what kick the bucketed to the unfortunate lovers was because of human action and its consequences. That action leads to a nonher, resulting into to a greater extent snake pit and also misunderstanding.  First, to blame is the priest although his actions were measuredly good, it caused much ache for the other characters in the play. He plays a huge touch off in the sad deaths of the teenagers. He offers his help to Juliet, dealing he maybe could solve the problem. He offered her poison to impostor her death which solves her fear of marrying Paris. He did not take careful context of the chances that things will not turn out the way he expected I had intellection about what would happen if Romeo didnt receive the message in time, he probably would go taken better precautions. Secondly, they themselves contri furthere to their tragic end middling by doing the wrong decision and got carried onward by their emotions. When Juliet asked and agree to the priests plan on how to prevent her hymeneals to Paris and came up for an idea to fake her death. Juliet just jumped at that idea without thought as to what would happen if something went wrong. This is where Juliet makes a immense mistake as Juliet did not think of what would happen if Romeo were to fall upon of her death and not have whatsoever explanation as to what happened. Also, Juliet is blame for her own death because kind of of moving on with her life and starting over, she chose not to live at all. In the end, it was no one elses decision just now her own to end her life. Whilst, for Romeo he could choose to not contend Tybalt after Mercutios death, but he fights and slays Tybalt anyways mayb! e because of his emotion. The Prince finds out and banished him....If you ask to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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