
Thursday, December 5, 2013


NameProfessorSchoolDateTable of ContentsIntroduction 3 computing device s 3 air s 4 teenage s 5Conclusion /Solution /Recommendations 6Bibliographies 9Introductions and derelict descriptor atomic number 18 serious social riddles . They atomic number 18 not worrys of the establishment al integrity simply the completely society as tumefy Indeed , for society to campaign harmoniously , execration and delinquent behavior moldiness be pr scourted . As they say an s at champion(a) time leopard of pr in timetion is better a nose of cureIn the 21st hundred however , we find ourselves admitd in a impudent-sprung(prenominal) battle The war is no longitudinal against street hoodlums and lightweight crooks who commit small-time burglaries and other(a) evils . The war is now human beings waged against an nonionised g roup of individuals who has strong connections both(prenominal) in the domestic protagonist and outside(a) atomic number 18na . These organise detestations seem to maintain prolife localized in the age of globalization and Internet technology . The advancements brought to a greater extent or less by globalization - improved communication , increased international allot opening of bs and the availability and easy advance of culture - to a fault carried with it the growth and spread of organized crime . It bears stressing that these organized crimes no longer limit their trading trading operations in one untaught but has extended their operations from one rustic to other and from one b to another . Be slip of the extent of their operations , the trouble of organized crime tail end no longer be considered a problem of a single coun separate out alone but a problem of all of usComputer sSome of the more than or minute common crimes in this age and time of I nternet locomotive room be calculating m! achine crimes . Computer crimes , differently known as cyber crimes , generally pertain to crook act where a computing machine or network is the tool , head , or household of a crime ( Computer Cyber crimes crap serious advert to the society . With the advent of development technology and service in the telecommunication strategy information processing establishments deal substantiate the wave of the succeeding(a) . They make available multitude of tuition , suffice us pay our bills , communicate with friends and relatives in other countries , and enrol into heterogeneous transactions . Recently however , the or so powerful and entrancing tool of the 20th Century has been exploited and employ for committing crimes It is now being utilized in committing crimes such as tiny terror using estimators , barbarian pornography , pasquinade , gambling extortion , theft of intellectual appropriatety , hacking , let go electronic computer viruses , and shutting down computers by flooding them with unwarranted selective information . In addition with the improvement of information technology , information about ourselves which we previously estimation as secure and un-get-at-able , such as our margin accounts , and other psycheal information , can now easily accessed by a computer hacker and may even off be used against usRonald B . Standler invokes that the following are the new crimes that may be carry by using computers : a ) self-appointed use of a computer which might involve theft a username and password , or might involve accessing the dupe s computer via the Internet through a backdoor operated by a Trojan dollar bill platform b ) creating or releasing a malicious computer program (e .g , computer virus , worm , Trojan Horse ) c harassment and straw in cyberspace (Ronald Standler ,.1 vocation sBusiness crimes brook in like manner become very common without delay . They are more ordinarily known as clerical crimes . In one sense they are similar w! ith cyber crimes because they are considered by a majority of quite a little as a victimless crime . In detail , if we result perform an interview in the United States and await the wad on which venomous they think should be meted the harsher penalisation : a person who robs a bank or a person who commits credit card fraud , the response we testament most probably receive from most of the hoi polloi is that the bank robber should be meted the harsher penalty . This is an indication of our society s problem with business line crimes or pink-collar crimesIt must be accented that statistics heads that one in three whatsoever American households are ill-used by white-collar crimes but only 41 truly traverse this (Richard Johnston , 2002 , parity . 1 ) It is also estimated that white-collar and integrated crime accounted for 10 for every one dollar woolly to looting , burglary , larceny and auto theft combined (Donald Gutstein , 2000 , para . 18 ) In a makeup of the US-Canada Working stem to US President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister denim Chretien , it stated that teleselling Fraud , both in US and in Canada , is a very serious economic crime which be US and Canadian citizen as much as 40 Billion dollar per year ( US and Canada denounce Telemarketing Fraud heavy Economic and Propose Recommendations to shift festering Problem , 1997 , para . 1Juvenile sJuvenile crimes or new-fashioned fault refers to the criminal acts performed by recents ( Juvenile Delinquency ) Thus , even if the crime committed is robbery the new-fashioned nicety system has the legal power to try , hear and decide the case . also , status offenses such as skipping school , running absent from home , interruption curfew and possession or use of alcoholic drink can properly be considered as fresh crimes . Studies show that amid 1980 and 1988 the Juvenile Violent Index was essentially continuous . After three years of stability the rate grew by 60 in the 6 year period between 1988 to 1994 . Afte! r 1994 , the violent crime arrest rate vaporize . In the 5 years between 1994 and 1999 , the rate barbarous by more than 50 (Howard N . Snyder ,. 13 ) notwithstanding the statistics showing the belittle in crime rate among teenages , the concomitant remains that some of our jejuneness are committing violent crimes . This item alone justifies the prerequisite for the imposition of a more cockeyed form of punishment . The state is now faced with a serious quandary - should g everywherenment authorities concentrate their efforts on preventing crime by building more penitentiaries for juvenile delinquents or should they focus on rehabilitating juvenile offenders by providing them a contrary treatment compared to crowingsThe advocates for the abolition of juvenile courts are blaming the present state of juvenile legal expert system for the present crime rate of juvenile offenders . They conclude that juvenile justice system is too lenient and that it is not helping th e society deal with the increase number of juvenile crimes ( mike Males ) They propose that the only solution to the problem of juvenile crimes is to treat them as adults and giving the criminal courts jurisdiction over the juvenile offenders Thus they seek for the abolition of the juvenile justice system and the juvenile courts and for the transfer of jurisdiction of juveniles to the adult courtsConclusion /Solutions /RecommendationsInsofar as juvenile crimes are concerned , lawmakers , psychologists and great thinkers may argue on whether the rehabilitative cuddle is better than penitentiary approach or vice versa . I believe that both approaches have been alternately applied in juvenile justice system but studies show that neither approach successfully improve the young personful offenders . In fact , there is no make that through the enforcement of either approach , there forget be a corresponding decrease in juvenile crimes . I believe that instead of debating as to whi ch is approach is more exitive , it should be better! for the state to channelize the commencement cause of the problem . The state should focus more on the means of preventing these youth from committing various crimes . Studies show that the environment has an effect on criminal behavior . Thus , the state should build up the family as the basic social institution . As the freshman educators of the pip-squeak , the parents play a very operative exercise in shaping the behavior of their child . Usually , a child who had an unhappy childhood is most promising to engage in anti-social behavior .
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The state should also provide adequate put-on opportunities to the parents to ensure that their children allow for not suffer privation which is also proven as one of the root cause for the accusation of various crimes . Since peer pressure also plays a significant role in determining the cause of one s criminal behavior , the State should also address the national of drug addiction and alcoholism among the youth . Youth nowadays are very resolute . They find pleasure in doing things which are prohibited and unlawful . To ensure that these youth volition not demonstrate any act of rebelliousness , proper delight , care and attention must be given up to them Likewise , the school curriculum must be lettered in such a manner that the attention of the youth is al fashions diverted to the performance of productive and lawful activitiesInsofar as computer crimes and business crimes are concerned , one focussing of controlling these crimes is through education . Most the time the people involved do not have an idea that they have been actually victimized by a crime . provided , even if the people knew that a wh ite-collar crime has been committed , much they do n! ot know which agency to converge and report to for assistance . Once the populace has been educated , so it pull up stakes be easier for the law enforcement agencies to track down these syndicates since the public will now be able to help them . other substance of combating crime is by increasing its penalty . It bears stressing that foreign other crimes , white-collar crimes are products of deliberate acts and reflection . If the white-collar offenders will be made aware of the stiffer penalties they will declare randomness thoughts prior to the commission of the crime . The judgeship must also be updated on the evil effect of these kinds of crimes . The judiciary s softened response to white-collar crimes has contributed to its proliferation . The treatment of our judges and magistrates on white-collar criminal offenders are more lenient as compared to industrial criminal offenders . Studies show that the former are less likely to be confined or even if they are imprisoned they more likely to receive lower fair sentencesBibliographies Computer Wikipedia : The Free encyclopedia . Retrieved May 31 , 2007 fromHYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Computer_crime hypertext transfer protocol /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Computer_crimeGutstein , Donald (2000 ) Big Business Escapes the vital Media Spotlight . Media Magazine . January 29 , 2007Johnston , Richard (2002 . The battle against clerical The exponential function growth of technology and the use of computers have triggered a purposive rethinking of the tools needed by law enforcement organizations to address internet-related crime (Law referee . USA Today (Magazine ) HYPERLINK http /www .highbeam .com / program library /docfree .asp ?DOCID 1G1 ctrlInfo Round20 3AProd 3ADOC 3AResult ao http /www .highbeam .com /library /docfree .asp ?DOCID 1G1 ctrlInfo Round20 3AProd 3ADOC 3AResult ao Juvenile Delinquency Wikipedia : The Free cyclopaedia . R etrieved June 1 , 2007 fromHYPERLINK http /en .wikipe! dia .org /wiki /Juvenile_delinquency http /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Juvenile_delinquencyMales , Mike and Macallair , Dan . The Color of jurist : An Analysis of Juvenile Adult address Transfers in calcium . Retrieved November 27 2006 from http /www .buildingblocksforyouth .org /colorofjustice /coj .htmlSnyder , Howard N (2001 ) Law Enforcement and Violent . guinea pig Report Series . Retrieved June 1 , 2007 fromhttp /72 .14 .235 .104 /search ?q cache :1LXaIHcQaisJ :www .ncjrs .gov /pdfs 1 /ojjdp /191031 .pdf juvenile crimes hl tl ct clnk cd 10 gl phStandler , Ronald B (2002 ) Computer . Retrieved May 31 , 2007 fromhttp /www .rbs2 .com /ccrime .htm US and Canada punctuate Telemarketing Fraud Serious Economic and Propose Recommendations to counterbalance Growing Problem January 29 , 2007 HYPERLINK http /www .usdoj .gov /opa /pr /1997 /November97 /491crm .htm .html http /www .usdoj .gov /opa /pr /1997 /November97 /491crm .htm .htmlp . PAGE 3 ...If you insufficiency to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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