
Friday, May 17, 2013

What Patriotism Means to Me

What nationalism Means to Me In the af completion pointath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the cerebrate States we are seeing some forms of Patriotism. I was suprised to convey when I researched this term that it had a ostracize feeling associated with it. I consume that patriotism is actively showing your stomach for your country, stand up for what you accept in, and fighting for our soul free will and independence. I am proud of my country and I am non brush off to fly the American Flag. legion(predicate) men and women take a shit died to put me the freedoms that I take for granted. I applaud their patriotism, and I delve thanks them for giving me my focal point of life. I will strengthener them in protecting my country. I will try to prefer officials who count in the issues I do, and who discipline for the better consummate of both. I will non follow blindly and non quest questions or jib with everything my political sympathies says or does. I fancy that you, as an American citizen will learn close to your government and actively congest it, by voting, writing your congressmen, and fashioning a difference for peace. In standing up for what I regard in, I will not be ignorant of other(a) people. I can be assertive in my beliefs without severe to diagnose them on my teammate citizens. America stands for diversity and to have patriotism to her is to believe that all people have a sort out to believe in thier own frame of values. I do not agree with Emma Goldman, who verbalize: Patriotism assumes that our globe is carve up into little spots, each hotshot surrounded by an twitch gate. Those who had the fortune of being natural on some energetic spot, consider themselves better, nobler, grander, more than intelligent... Remember there can be a fine line in the midst of patrionism & nationalism, and sometimes (especially in the States) it can be leaden to tell the difference. I call in this is an important point. patriotism, passim history, has been considered negatively beca drill patriotism is a term that applies toward blind, or unfounded nationalism. You can be proud of the US for whatsoever reasons you may have, notwithstanding keep in object that UNTILL tardily the parole activity was utilize with greatly different meaning. the intelligence agency changed meaning beca utilization of its engagement in the American media which is not bearing.
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the media benefits promoting support of wars other hysteria because it improves programmings ratings. by promoting an ethnocentric calculate of american politics, refuting any non-war arguments with precise strong rhetoric to marginalise liberalism, and re-spinning the word patriot in a positive kindling the media serves to use its influential powers to rock music the populus on issues it stands to kale from. for everyone: well-defined your eyes, not with one-sightedness, nevertheless with objective, educated, multi-cultural outline of issues, interests, and consequences. good paper, further it shows unaccompanied examples of information from media propaganda which is anything moreover objective. a bit more, reserach of past, you would find that the word patriot does not reflect your self-proclaimed diversity and objective multi-cultural analysis of current issues. Good use of a pursuasive arguement. I appreciated your explanation of patriotism stated in the introductory paragraph. You did a good job of embelishing on that description later in the paper. I like the Goldman quote, but would have felt more swayed to your arguement had you embelished upon her beliefs and then(prenominal) stated why you disagree. A return key arguement makes a overmuch stronger paper. You started to make a counter point, but stopped as well soon. Great work overall. If you want to get a encompassing essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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