
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Corruption In 1984 essay

The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines socialism as “a political and economic theory of social firm which advocates that the ways of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned and regulated by the community being a whole” (“Socialism” 1). In accordance with this definition, not a single individual in a socialist society would have manage over their own economic or social well-being. These societies are always incredibly corrupt, for instance the one created by George Orwell in his novel 1984. In creating his novel, 1984, George Orwell envisioned a society wherever the federal government possessed a vast amount of economic control and displayed extreme examples of corruption, which accurately relate to many real-life examples, and display the theme that wealth is power and power corrupts.

Economically, Orwell’s socialist society possessed a vast amount of manage and wealth. For example, in Orwell’s society, uncomplicated commodities for example electrical energy were regulated to build additional wealth for ones government. As soon as attempting to use the elevator in his apartment complex, Orwell’s main character comes on the realization that “the electrical contemporary was cut off during the day light hours. It was part of an economic drive in preparation for Hate Week” (Orwell 1). In this scene, Large Brother, the leader in the socialist society, had adequate economic control to prevent electrical support to entire buildings as an economic plan, demonstrating extreme control more than the individuals and his society’s economy. Also, war in Orwell’s society was always used being a methods for producing far more wealth for your country. In accordance with Orwell, “…war had a direct economic purpose; it was a war for labour” (Orwell187). Oceania utilized war as an excuse to reserve cheap labor and produce far more wealth for their central government; war benefited the rich. Finally, Orwell’s government possessed the capacity to limit the use of practically everything in their society. For example, Orwell’s “…Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise…that there would be no reduction from the chocolate ration in the year 1984. Actually…the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grams to twenty at the end from the supply week” (Orwell 39). Corrupt and powerful, Orwell’s government possessed the capability to ration everything so that much less and less was given towards the people and the government obtained far more wealth. Therefore, by controlling uncomplicated materials such as electricity, making fear of war to generate additional products inexpensively, and by rationing almost all goods, Orwell’s socialist federal government was in a position to invest in vast amounts of wealth via economic control.
Orwell’s society also depicted a vast amount of social corruption. First, this government prevented any form of very own conviction to arrive by merely changing past events to often benefit the Party. Based on Orwell, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the supply controls the past” (Orwell 248). To prevent doubt in its citizens, members of Orwell’s society were not permitted to hold any form of individual memory including photographs or journals; thus, they possessed no idea of long-term memory and thought whatever the party told them. The Party controlled the present, and could alter the past so that you can manipulate the future. In addition, Orwell’s government also psychologically corrupted its individuals by producing them think the Party was never at fault. Although being tortured by the government Orwell’s protagonist selfishly wished his pain onto his accomplice, and later reminisced that “…perhaps [he] might [have pretended] , afterwards, that it was only a trick and that [he] just said it to make them stop and didn’t really mean it. But that [was not] true. At the time when it [happened], [he did] mean it. [He thought] there [was] no other way of saving [him]self and [he was] very able too save [him]self that way. [He wanted] it to happen towards the other person. [He did not] give a damn why they suffer. All [he cared] about [was him]self” (Orwell 292).This was an example of the extreme psychological corruption that the party possessed over its citizens; rather than getting angry in the Party, he wished his suffering on his friend. After Orwell discussed his novel in interview, he claimed his inspiration for corruption came from contemporary government. Orwell believed that “the growing power of current governments…[threatened] to obliterate this sort of extensively ideals as love of family members , tolerance towards the others, as well as the correct to build up one’s mind” (“George Orwell” 4). Orwell thought how the power of a government inevitably cause the demise of uncomplicated human nature, as demonstrated in his novel. The extreme power of Orwell’s government led to extreme psychological and social corruption of its people.

Orwell’s society also related to numerous real-life examples. For example, National Socialism or Nazism displayed the exact same social corruptions as Orwell’s society. Society was made to consider that ideal individuals of Nordic descent existed: “…so-called pure Aryans had been not only physically superior to other races, but had been the carriers of superior morality and culture…” (“National Socialism” 1). Nazi Germany attempted to purify the German race from supposed threats for instance Jews and Catholics, just as the Party attempted to cleanse their society of any anti-party memories. Orwell’s society also relate 1940 United States of America, regarding immigration as well as the mixing of cultures within American borders. In interview, Orwell as soon as said, “…in the U.S.A. the phrase…”Hundred-Percent Americanism” …is as totalitarian as any person could wish” (“George Orwell 10). Orwell believed that total Americanism is just as corrupt as his fictional society mainly because the phrase suggests total control over a culture: no person cultural traditions could be held; all cultured society was “American.” This corruption can be observed in present day America. With regards to security, “it has turn out to be cliché to bring up George Orwell’s 1948 book 1984 when talking for the ever-increasing pervasiveness of governments monitoring the activities of their citizens…” (Brander 1). Ever-increasing privacy breaches, including the controversial “Patriot Act,” suggest a corrupt society eerily similar to Orwell’s society from the way how the government was often watching its people. Corruption inside a society for example that described in Orwell’s novel 1984 mirror real-life examples of corruption.

In Orwell’s 1984, a society possessed a vast quantity of economic control concerning the economy as well as social issues, which mirror many real-life examples. Economically, Orwell’s government possessed control adequate to ration and conserve in order to produce more personal wealth for them. Psychologically, the citizens in Orwell’s federal government possessed no long-term memory and no hatred for their government. Finally, Orwell’s government drew inspiration from Nazi Germany, along with ‘total Americanism’ each of which bear resemblance to supply day America. Thus, Orwell’s federal government was socialist in that it possessed extreme organizational powers over its society. 
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